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    Insulation Containment Survey


    KLINGER Atmeco保溫件遏製調查包括石棉狀況監測,通常涵蓋一係列流程資產。這些可包括乳香覆蓋的管道彎頭,管道運行的絕緣層和工藝部件,泵絕緣,柱/滾筒和容器絕緣,絕緣部件法蘭與整體泄漏檢查管,警告標誌處於臨時和固定的入口點,絕緣過程的警告標簽組件或管道元件。

    This survey generally starts with providing a plant wide overview using a ‘block-level’ or section by section approach to assess the entire plant. The survey results of a block level survey may lead to a more detailed ‘component-level’ survey.

    我們的網絡基於網絡CIMS數據管理和報告工具is utilised to gather and manage data collected from insulation containment surveys. When using CIMS for asbestos containing insulation monitoring, the platform is used as a register to identify and quantify ACM as well as outline a safe approach for managing the condition of the asset in compliance with regulatory requirements.

    Insulation containment survey - deliverables

    • Identification of lagging or insulation containing materials, focussing on asbestos risks where relevant
    • Visual inspection and recommendations on sampling and analysis where necessary
    • Labelling of asbestos materials
    • Assessment of the condition of lagging containment
    • Estimation of the quantities of lagging or insulation containing materials, including asbestos
    • Reporting on all survey results and associated risk assessment through CIMS
    • 定期更新調查以維護完整性和貨幣
    Insulation containment survey conducted



    KLINGER Atmeco can also complete insulation material sampling, managed on behalf of clients. Sampling locations and samples are labelled for traceability and audit compliance. Insulation material classification is based on NATA certified laboratory test results and stored for future reference.